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Water Log
High: Don't let soil dry out.
- African Violet
- Warm water
- January 27. February fed-5, e15, fed-27
- 400-518 g
- Warm water is used since 15 Feb.
- Keep soil moist with warm water. Don't allow water to have contact with leaves other than light misting. Water from below. Don't let the plants sit in water.
- Arugula
- January 27. February 5, fed-15, 24
- 1530-2355 g
- Regular watering. Water as soon as top inch feels dry. Keep soil consistently moist but not soggy.
- Fail to do this might cause plant to bolt and flavor ruined.
- Basil
- Big basil: January 27. February fed-3, 14, 27. Mar 3-fed
- Big basil: 250-320 g
- Basil babies: January 27. February fed-8, 20, Mar 4-fed
- Basil babies: 1560-2350 g
- Keep soil regularly moist, 1" of water a week for outdoor, bit more for containers. Water once the top layer of soil dries out, definitely when plant show first sign of wilting (don't let it happen! don't wait for this signal!).
- Chili
- Big chili: February fed-2, 8, fed-15. Mar 3-fed
- Chili babies: January 27. February fed-3, 11, 15, fed-20, 27
- 2480-3100 g
- Keep soil moist at all times, never allow soil to become bone dry as it will cause the blossom to drop. Especially during hot dry days. Containers might even need to be watered as frequent as twice a day if it dries out quickly.
- Cilantro
- Sow Mar 3.
- 1300-2000 g
- Keep regularly moist but not soaked. Good drainage is important because cilantro has deep root. 1" per week.
- Coleus
- January 27. February 11, fed-24
- Consistenly moist but not soggy. It should not wet all the time, but too long dry will slow plant growth. For indoor, water maybe every 2-3 days, or more if climate rather dry.
- Fern
- January 27. February 18.March fed-1 100ml
- 360-440 g
- Keep moist, don't let completely dry out. Let water run through the drainage, then wait until top soil looking a bit drier before the next watering.
- Kemangi
- January 27. February 5, fed-15. March fed-1
- 1425-2200 g
- Moderate level of water. Consistently moist soil is best, don't overwater, don't let dry out.
- Parsley
- January 27. February fed-4, 11, 15, 20, 24, 27. Mar 4
- 220-360 g
- Keep evenly moist but not soggy. 1-2" water/week. Never let the soil to dry out, parsley doeesn't tolerate drought well, will quickly wither and brown.
- Polka dot plant
- January 27. February fed-3, 11, 20, Mar 2-fed
- 310-450 g
- Moderate amount of moisture in soil at all time. Water when top hald inch dried out. Don't let soil completely dried out. It can lead foliage to wilt and struggling to survive. Don't get it soggy either, it can cause root rot and kill the plant.
- Potato
- January 27. February fed-3 Feb, 11, fed-15, fed-20, pot-22
- 2844-3760 g
- Rely on steady water supply. Water at least 1 inch a week. Sensitive to drought especially when flowers (which is the peak time to form tubers).
- Turmeric
- January 27. February 9 fed-27
- ...-1885 g
- tolerate wet soil, keep moist, don't let soil dry out.
Moderate: Let the soil dry a little bit between watering
- Alyssum
- January 27. February 11, fed-15
- At least an inch a week. More if the air is dry. Drain well, susceptible to root rot. Water deeply and allow the potting mix to dry slightly before watering again.
- Candytuft
- January 27. February 5, 15, 27-fed
- 775-980 g
- Once established, moderately drought-tolerant. But make sure to water young plants, especially during dry period.
- For young plants: Water twice a week. Once established: water once a week.
- Ellwood Cypress
- January 27. February fed-8
- The youngs like moderate amount of water, but dont like wet feet, susceptible to root rot and often fatal. Water well at least once a week especially in dry weather. Once established watering can be reduced
- English ivy
- January 27. February fed-8, 20
- 344-630 g
- Prefers slightly on the dry side. Prefers moist but not soggy soil. Let the soil dry out some (dry to the touch on top) before the next watering.
- Poinsettia
- January 27. February 6, 15
- Water when the soil surface is dry to touch. Saturate the soil completely and let water drain. Overwatering can kill the plant, with wilting leaves as the sign.
- Rosemary
- January 27. February 11, fed-15, 20, 27. Mar 4
- 200-260 g
- Water when the top of the soil has dried out, but never let all the soil dry out completely.
- "Upside down" plant. Prefers to absorb moisture through air. Gently misting the plant every 10 days to fill the gap between watering.
- Sage
- January 27. February 5 Feb, fed-8, 18, 24
- 1288-1662 g.
- Moderate moisture need, some drought tolerance.
- For young plants: keep soil evently moist but not soggy.
- For established plants: Water when top 1-2 inches of soil dries out.
- Avoid getting the leaves wet. Can cause mildew.
- Scarlet Flax
- January 27. February 8, 18, Mar 2, 4
- 1550-1740 g
- Low to moderate. Overwatering can cause root rot. Very hardly and drought tolerante. But it also says, keep soil moist, water occasionally.
- Soapwort
- January 27. February fed-8, 27
- 1680-2080 g
- Prefers consistent moisture but can tolerate a few days of drought once established. Soak the soil well, let soil dry to touch but not completely through before the next watering.
- String of turtles
- January 27. February 11, fed-24
- Prefers slightly moist, however more prone to suffer from overwatering than underwatering. Water thoroughly to get the soil evenly moist, let the soil dry out between watering. Don't water again until top 2 inches of soil have dried out.
- Bunny tails
- January 27. February 6, 14, 20, 24, 27. Mar 3
- 1410-1850 g
- Very forgiving, drought resistant. Water deeply and let it dry out before the next watering. Doesn't like wet feet and root might rot if constantly wet.
- Dianthus
- January 27. February 5, 11, 18, fed-24, Mar 2
- 1525-1750 g
- Low to average. Water 1 inch weekly. Drought tolerance.
- Lavender
- January 27. February 5, 15
- wet 2579
- Water sparingly. Allow to dry out between watering, but don't let the plant wilts. Drought-tolerant once established. Too much water can lead to fungal disease and root rot. For first growing season though, water regularly.
- Oregano
- January 27. February 11, 18
- 258 wet
- Water regularly but not excessively. Let soil dry completely between waterings. drought resistant.
- Thyme
- January 27. February 11, fed-24
- Drought resistant, prefer under-watered than over-watered. Wait soil to be completely dry before watering. Flower is not a sign of bolting or over-watering. It will continue to thrive as long as keep trimming to promote new growth.
- Haworthia
- January 27. February 8, fed-18
- 1700-2110 g
- In spring and summer months, water whenever top inch soil has dried out. In fall and winter: reduce watering to just enough to keep the leaves plump. Don't let water collect in the rosette, this can lead to rot.
- Harry's cactus
- February fed-18
- 315-420 g
- Livvy's cactus
- February fed-18
- 425-465 g
- Peperomia green beans
- February fed-18
- 350-550 g
- Wilting when underwatered, rotting when overwatered. Water every 7-10 days, but this depend on the humidity. Water the potting mix thoroughly, drain well. Make sure soil is dry before the next watering.