Green Speckles: Water Log
To do
- Tomato: cage
- Haworthia: water 25 June
Outdoor Fertilizer 6 July
- Rose fertilizer
- Fruit fertilizer
Indoor Fertilizer 6 July
- All purpose
- Chives: bi. 4 July.
- Poinsettia: bi-mo. 4 July.
- Peperomia bean: bi-mo in summer. 4 July
- Rose
- Fruit
- Cactus
- Cactus: 3mo no winter. Mid Sept.
- Haworthia: 3mo no winter. July.
No list
- Avoid in the container
- Nasturtium
- Basil
- Cosmos
- Thyme: only if needed
- Oregano
- FMN: once.
- Yarrow-blazingstars-bunnytails container
- Lavender-nasturtium container
- Mint-basil container
- Doesn't matter in the container
Fertilizer's NPK
- N
- Miracle Gro All Purpose: 24-8-16
- P
- Miracle Gro Rose: 18-24-16
- Miracle Gro Bloom: 15-30-15
- Schultz Houseplant: 10-15-10
- Schultz African Violet: 8-14-9
- K
- Miracle Gro Tomato, Fruit, Veg: 18-18-21
- Cactus
- Outdoor
- 1/4 tsp in 330 ml squirt bottle
- 1 tsp in 1.3 L watering jug
- Indoor
- 1/8 tsp in 330 ml squirt bottle
- 1/2 tsp in 1.3 L watering jug
- 1/2 tbs in 4 L oil jug
- Cactus
- cactus formula
- 1/4 of 1/4 tsp in 330 ml squirt bottle.
African violet
- Water: high, warm
- Keep soil moist with warm water. Don't allow water to have contact with leaves other than light misting. Water from below. Don't let the plants sit in water.
- Fertilizing: biweekly, African violet fertilizer
- African violet fertilizer by schultz: 8-14-9. Closest to rose/bloom. Adjust dilution.
- Fertilizing not needed in cutting before plantlets start growing.
- Feeding dates
- Rose ¼: Feb 5, 27. Liquid 5-10-5 full dose: Mar 18. Rose ¼: Apr 7, Liquid: Apr 20. May 9, 27.
- Rose, 6-8 June, 20 June. Jul 8.
- Water: moderate
- At least an inch a week. More if the air is dry. Drain well, susceptible to root rot. Water deeply and allow the potting mix to dry slightly before watering again.
- Fertilizing: monthly
- For white alyssum in container, feed monthly with water-soluble well balanced fertilizer. Slow release fertilizer when planting and after bloom spent. For yellow one, unless the soil very lean, doesn't need fertilizing. Too much fertilizer can cause poor flowering and scraggly growth.
- Feeding dates
- Feb 15. May 23. Jun 21
- Indoor
- June 20
Asparagus Fern
- Water: regularly
- do not overwater
- Fertilizing: monthly
- Feed monthly spring to fall with a balanced house plant fertilizer, diluted by half
- Feeding dates
- Liquid 10-15-10: May 23. 20 June
- Water: high
- Keep soil regularly moist, 1" of water a week for outdoor, bit more for containers. Water once the top layer of soil dries out, definitely when plant show first sign of wilting (don't let it happen! don't wait for this signal!).
- Fertilizing: low
- If planted in organic compost mixture, maybe don't need more nutrient. If plants not growing much, feed once a month with weak liquid fertilizer.
- Feeding dates
- Feb 3, Mar 3. Apr 20. Next: Anytime after May 20 if growing poorly
- Water: Plenty
- Needs plenty pf water especially in container. Definitely when top 2-3 inches dry.
- Fertilizing: monthly
- Normally low to none fertilizer other when planting, but in container it's recommended to feed once a month with diluted liquid veg fertilizer.
- Bean 1 feeding dates
- All purpose ½: Apr 20. May 9.
- Fruit ½: Jun 9. Jun 21. Jul 8.
Bell pepper (red)
- Water: high
- regular watering, keep soil slightly moist, should never dried out completely. Do not overwater though. Avoid wetting foliage: promoting fungal disease.
- Fertilizing: biweekly
- Heavy feeder like tomato. Feed biweekly. Remember too much N will promote foliage instead of fruit. CHeck out tomato fertilizer.
- Feeding dates
- All purpose ½: Apr 7, 20. May 23.
- Fruit ½: Jun 9. Jun 21. Jul 8.
Blazing star
- Water: regular
- regular watering in first years, more drought tolerance in the next years.
- Fertilizing: low, only if not growing well
- not a heavy feeder, but if soil is poor, add flower fertilizer each spring as active growth begins. Will do fine if soil is decent.
- Feeding dates:
- May 23. Next only if growing poorly.
Bunny tails
- Water: low
- Very forgiving, drought resistant. Water deeply and let it dry out before the next watering. Doesn't like wet feet and root might rot if constantly wet.
- Fertilizing: no need
- No need to fertilize, it prefers nutrient poor soil.
- Feeding dates: -
Cactus Harry
- Water
- Cactus low
- Fertilizing: low. 3 times a year
- 2-3 times a year, spring, summer, and fall.
- Houseplant food, diluted half, higher in phosphorus than nitrogen like 5-10-5.
- Fertilize using cactus fertilizer according to instruction during spring and summer. Do not fertilize in spring and winter.
- Feeding dates
- Feb 18. 21 June
Cactus Olivia
- Water
- Cactus low
- Fertilizing: 3 times a year
- 2-3 times a year, spring, summer, and fall.
- Houseplant food, diluted half, higher in phosphorus than nitrogen like 5-10-5.
- Fertilize using cactus fertilizer according to instruction during spring and summer. Do not fertilize in spring and winter.
- Feeding dates
- Feb 18. 21 June
- Water: regularly
- Keep soil moist
- Fertilizing: mid spring, all-purpose fertilizer
- Feeding dates
- May 23. June 20. Jul 8.
- Water: moderate
- For young plants: Water twice a week. Once established: water once a week.
- Once established, moderately drought-tolerant. But make sure to water young plants, especially during dry period.
- Fertilizing: every 6 months
- Not necessary but can make bloom more abundant. Low nitrogen, high phosporous. Miracle gro bloom formula is 15-30-15, probably best choice, followed by rose at 18-24-16. Slow releasing fertilizer is a good idea when planting. Otherwise, when leaves start forming, then every a half year. Or even just once a year, in early spring.
- Feeding dates
- Feb 27. May 23. Next: September 2022
- Water: regularly
- Drought tolerant, but need regular water in spring when buds are forming. Extra water in dry summer. Water at the base of plants. Don't over water: leaves will yellow and the flower petals may droop or fall off.
- Fertilizing: high
- Monthly with flowering plant fertilizer
- Feeding dates
- May 23. Jun 21. Jul 8.
- Water: high
- lightly moist not wet soil. At least an inch every week. Water when top 1 inch soil is dry. Root drought can stress carrot.
- Fertilizing: med-high
- every 3-4 weeks veg fertilizer. Avoid high N.
- Feeding dates
- Veg. May 9. Fruit ½: Jun 9. Jul 8.
- Water: high
- Keep soil moist at all times, never allow soil to become bone dry as it will cause the blossom to drop. Especially during hot dry days. Containers might even need to be watered as frequent as twice a day if it dries out quickly.
- Fertilizing: high, all purpose
- Maybe every 2 weeks for big chili.
- Fertilize immediately after planting using all-purpose granular fertilizer, fertilize again when small peppers begin to form. For containers, use all-purpose balanced liquid fertilizer. Don't overdo nitrogen, it can deter fruit growth. Should be rich in phosporus, potassium, and calcium.
- Feeding dates
- Chili 1
- Feb 2, 15, Mar 3. Apr 7, 20. All ½: Jun 9, Jun 21. Fruit Jul 8.
- Chili 2
- Feb 3, 20, Mar 12. Apr 7, 20. May 9, 23. Fruit ½: Jun 9, Jun 21. Jul 8.
Chinese Forget-Me-Not
- Water: regular, then average
- Average water need. Water regularly, do not overwater. Water well until plants are 10-15 cm tall. After that point, reduce watering. In nature and gardens, it survives just with natural rain water.
- Fertilizing: no need?
- Maybe not needed. No reference mention it and it's invasive. So might be growing well easily as is.
- Feeding dates
- Jun 21
- Water: high
- Water when top of soil is dry to the touch.
- Fertilizing: low
- Water soluble half strength, twice a month. Heavier does might weakeng the taste.
- Feeding dates
- 20 June
- Water: high
- Keep regularly moist but not soaked. Good drainage is important because cilantro has deep root. 1" per week.
- Fertilizing: once a month
Use liquid fertilizer, feed once a month.
- Feeding dates
- Plan after start growing
- Water: high
- Consistenly moist but not soggy. It should not wet all the time, but too long dry will slow plant growth. For indoor, water maybe every 2-3 days, or more if climate rather dry.
- Fertilizing: biweekly, diluted
- If soil is rich, no need to feed coleus at all. For poor soil, fertilize every month half strength. Color is better when not overly fertilized. Having said that... Container ones might benefit from slow-released fertilizer when starting the pot. Thereafter, feed with diluted liquid fertilizer every 1-2 weeks. Container plants generally need more frequent feeding than garden plants because frequent watering washes the nutrients away.
- Feeding dates
- Feb 24, Mar 12. Apr 7, 20. May 23. 20 June
- Water: rather low.
- After established, drought resistant. Will be the last plant requiring water if water limited. Do not overwater. Overwatering leads to fewer blooms.
- Fertilizing: Don't
- Do not fertilize unless struggling. Handle poor soil well. Fertilizer leads to strong plant with lots of foliages but few blooms.
- Feeding dates
- Jun 21
- Water: ample
- consistent and ample moisture, but not wet. Dip finger until second knucle. if dry, definitely need water. water until goes through the bottom.
- Fertilizing: heavy feeder
- All purpose slow release when planting, feed biweekly during growing season.
- Feeding dates
- All purpose ½: Apr 20. May 9, 23. Fruit ½: Jun 9. Jun 21. Jul 8.
- Water: rather low.
- Only water when needed. 1 inch a week. Drought resistance for a short time when established. Prone to overwatering. Keep young moist soil though.
- Fertilizing: Needed but just a little.
- Mix review. Try between every 3 months with low N fertilizer, to every month with balanced fertilizer.
- Feeding dates
- All purpose ½: Apr 20. May 23. Rose ½: Jun 9. Jun 21
- Water: low
- Low to average. Water 1 inch weekly. Drought tolerance.
- Fertilizing: light-med
- Gardener's path says: For new plant, fertilize every 4-6 weeks with all purpose liquid fertilizer during growing season.
- Spruce says: Light feeder, a shoveful of compost one a year is enough.
- Feeding dates
- Indoor
- June 20
- Water: high
- Keep moist, don't let completely dry out. Let water run through the drainage, then wait until top soil looking a bit drier before the next watering.
- Fertilizing: biweekly
- Fertilizer: Balanced 10-10-10, half strength every watering, or use it every 2 weeks.
- Feeding dates
- Mar 1, 12. Apr 7, 20. May 23. 20 June. Jul 8.
- Water: deeply
- At least weekly. Might need daily when hot.
- Fertilizing: Needed
- Every 4-6 weeks, 5-10-5.
- Feeding dates
- Apr 20. May 23. Rose ½: Jun 9. Jul 8.
- Water: moderate
- In spring and summer months, water whenever top inch soil has dried out. In fall and winter: reduce watering to just enough to keep the leaves plump. Don't let water collect in the rosette, this can lead to rot.
- Fertilizing: 3 times a year
- 2-3 times a year, spring, summer, and fall.
- Houseplant food, diluted half, higher in phosphorus than nitrogen like 5-10-5.
- Fertilize using cactus fertilizer according to instruction during spring and summer. Do not fertilize in spring and winter.
- Feeding dates
- Feb 18. Apr 20.
- Water: moderate
- Prefers slightly on the dry side. Prefers moist but not soggy soil. Let the soil dry out some (dry to the touch on top) before the next watering.
- Fertilizing: biweekly
- Every 2 weeks during spring and summer seasons using 20-20-20. Don't fertilize if the plant in stressful situation: very hot, very cold, or very dry soil, or when there's no leaf production.
- Feeding dates
- Feb 8, Mar 14. Apr 7, 20. May 23. June 20. Jul 8.
- Water: high-med
- Moderate level of water. Consistently moist soil is best, don't overwater, don't let dry out.
- Fertilizing: mix recommendation
- In another reference: moderate to high level of nutrients, Feed every 2-3 weeks during warm growing season.
- In one reference: 2-4 times a year.
- Feeding dates
- Apr 20. May 23. 20 June
- Water: regular
- The plant is drought tolerant, but benefit from regular watering especially during hot period. Blooms will drop if soil gets too dry.
- Fertilizing: monthly
- General-purpose fertilizer every month. Too much fertilizer may produce green leafy plant at the expense of blooms.
- Feeding dates
- Jun 21
- Water low
- Water sparingly. Allow to dry out between watering, but don't let the plant wilts. Drought-tolerant once established. Too much water can lead to fungal disease and root rot. For first growing season though, water regularly.
- Fertilizing:vOnly when planting, then none
- Maybe just a handfull of compost when planting. After that, no fertilizer. It can reduce the overall potency of the plant.
- Feeding dates
- Lavender
Lily of the valley
- Water: moist
- Like moist but not soggy soil. If too dry, growth and flowering might be lacking.
- Fertilizing: low
- Not needed unless soil is poor.
- Feeding dates
- May 23. Rose ½: Jun 9.
- Water: high
- Water: Keep consistently moist. Water when the top inch feels dry to touch.
- Fertilizing: avoid
- Avoid because reduce flavor. If must: Feed once with 10-10-10 when new growth emerges. Then one more mid way growing season if nedeed.
- Feeding dates
- Water: medium watering
- Fertilizing: do not fertilize
- Feeding dates
- Water: low
- Water regularly but not excessively. Let soil dry completely between waterings. drought resistant.
- Fertilizing: do not fertilize
- Feeding dates
- Water: high
- Wrung-out sponge feel.
- Fertilizing: Monthly with flower composition (high P)
- Feeding dates
- Rose Jun 21
- Water: consistent watering
- Drought tolerant for a short period of time, but best for growth and healthy root is consistent watering. 1 inch per week. Touch the soil for hot summer. In spring and fall, check if soil dry in secnod knuckle of finger dipped. Wilting, dropping buds, discolored, dried foliage are sign needing watering. Deep water every 10-14 days for mature plant, twice as much for young plants.
- Fertilizing: low
- Fertilize once or twice a year. With rose/bloom/bulb fertilizer once. In ring (not too close). Crown and toung growth are susceptible to burn. When? First recommendation, when it is 30 cm tall or leaves unfurl or buds forming. Other recommendation, when new growth poking through the soil. Also in the fall, after cutting back the plant.
- Feeding dates
- Rose ½: Apr 20. May 23. Rose ½: Jun 9.
Peperomia green beans
- Water: low
- Wilting when underwatered, rotting when overwatered. Water every 7-10 days, but this depend on the humidity. Water the potting mix thoroughly, drain well. Make sure soil is dry before the next watering.
- Fertilizing: every third watering, all purpose
- In summer, feed every third watering with balanced liquid plant food. In other season, feed monthly.
- Feeding dates
- Feb 18, Mar 12. Apr 20. May 23. 20 June
- Water: moderate
- Water when the soil surface is dry to touch. Saturate the soil completely and let water drain. Overwatering can kill the plant, with wilting leaves as the sign.
- Fertilizing: monthly
- All purpose. Biweekly/monthly after new growth forming
- Feeding dates
- Apr 7, 20. May 23. June 20
Polka dot plant
- Water: high
- Moderate amount of moisture in soil at all time. Water when top hald inch dried out. Don't let soil completely dried out. It can lead foliage to wilt and struggling to survive. Don't get it soggy either, it can cause root rot and kill the plant.
- Fertilizing: once a month
- Heavy feeder. Once a month during warm growing season.
- Feeding dates
- Feb 3, Mar 2. Apr 7, 20. May 23. June 20
- Water: Thirsty plant.
- Water regularly, keep soil moist but not wet. For illustration, giant pumpkin can grow over 30 lbs in a single day.
- Fertilizing: high feeder: biweekly
- N rich fertilizer early on for healthy plants foliage.
- P rich fertilizer once flowers start forming to stimulate plentiful blossoms.
- K rich fertilizer when actual pumpkin appears.
- Feeding dates
- May 23. All ½: Jun 9. Fruit: Jun 21. Jul 8.
Rose Ice
- Water: Regularly
- Water when needed, don't let dry out.
- Fertilizing: biweekly
- Feeding dates
- Rose ½: Jun 9. Jun 21. Jul 8.
Rose Kordana
- Water: Regularly
- Water when needed, don't let dry out.
- Fertilizing: biweekly
- Feeding dates
- Rose fertilizer: Apr 20. May 23. Rose ½: Jun 9. Jun 21. Jul 8.
- Water: moderate
- Moderate moisture need, some drought tolerance. Avoid getting the leaves wet. Can cause mildew.
- For young plants: keep soil evently moist but not soggy.
- For established plants: Water when top 1-2 inches of soil dries out.
- Fertilizing: low
- Not heavy feeder. Too much fertilizer can weaken flavour.
- Fertilize: all purpose 20-20-20 every 4-6 weeks during growing season. Don't feed in winter unless warm climate.
- Feeding dates
- Feb 8. Apr 20. May 23. 20 June
- Water: moderate
- Prefers consistent moisture but can tolerate a few days of drought once established. Soak the soil well, let soil dry to touch but not completely through before the next watering.
- Fertilizing: low
- For poor soil, feed annualy with all purpose fertilizer. Feed lightly only because too many nutrient can damage the plant and hinder its growth
- Once established, can grow for years wihout feeding.
- Feeding dates
- Feb 8. May 23.
String of dolphins
- Water
- Soak all the way, drain. Let soil dry completely before next watering. Maybe once a week.
- Fertilizing
- String of Dolphins doesn't need much fertilizer, as over-fertilizing it may result in losing its iconic jumping dolphin look. It is best to feed them only once or twice a year at the beginning of spring and when they start to bloom.
- Feeding dates
- Liquid. May 9, 23. 20 June
String of turtles
- Water: moderate
- Prefers slightly moist, however more prone to suffer from overwatering than underwatering. Water thoroughly to get the soil evenly moist, let the soil dry out between watering. Don't water again until top 2 inches of soil have dried out.
- Fertilizing: biweekly, all-purpose
- Feeding the plant can help the plant maintain its bright shiny vigor and its color and pattern too. Feed with all-purpose fertilizer biweekly during the growing season,but not in fall and winter season.
- Feeding dates
- Mar 20. Apr 7, 20. May 23. 20 June. Jul 8.
- Water: thirsty
- an inch per week. Water when top inch feels dry to touch.
- Fertilizing: heavy feeder
- High N at first, then after bloom comes, high P
- Feeding dates
- June 20. Jul 8.
- Water low
- Drought resistant, prefer under-watered than over-watered. Wait soil to be completely dry before watering. Flower is not a sign of bolting or over-watering. It will continue to thrive as long as keep trimming to promote new growth.
- Fertilizing: low
- Prefers soil that lacks nutrient. Only give diluted fertilizer when it needs a boost. Maybe in the beginning. If wanted, 10-10-10 every 6-8 weeks, half strength. But not mandatory.
- Feeding dates
Tomato Cherry
- Water: deep and regularly.
- Never let soil dry out. Overwatering when fruit developes can cause split.
- Fertilizing: high
- Use tomato fertilizer, follow label.
- Feeding dates
- Apr 20. May 9, 23. Fruit ½: Jun 9. Jun 21. Jul 8.