Green Speckles


Salvia officinalis

7 June
16 May
2 survive - 21 Apr
Back from holiday - 3 Apr
12 Mar
18 Feb
Bedroom - 1 Feb
Seedlings - 1 Feb
Windowsill - 23 Jan
Seedlings - 23 Jan
Seeds planted 1 Jan 2022

Perennial herbs with earthy and slightly peppery flavor. Blooming on summertime with blue-purple flower spikes.

Planted January 2022

McKenzie seeds

Journal 2022
  • January
    • 1: Planted
    • 23: Some seeds sprouted upt to 2 cm, but rather scarce. Not evenly yet.
    • Mid/late: I think some seeds are added.
  • February
    • 1: the 5 seedlings from the first generation growing well. Each has up to 3 pairs of foliage and some even have secondary leaf buds start to emrge from the branch. Second generation seedlings just start appearing. Hopefully the little rocks don't inhibit the emersion.
  • March
    • 14: 10-15 cm. pinched.
    • 25: Watered thoroughly in preparation of 10 days holiday.
  • April
    • 3: Back from holiday, plants look drying out.
    • 6: Removed all plants that mostly drying up. Remove all drying up foliages. Only a few left.
    • 21: By last week, only 2 left healthy. Discard rest, move the two to a small pot.
  • May
    • Only 1 left now
  • June
  • Full sunlight, at least 6 hours a day.
  • Well draining soil. Sandy or loamy soil with good drainage. Wet soil can cause rot and fatal to the plant. Slightly acidic to neutral pH.
  • Moderate moisture, some drought tolerance. Keep plants evenly moist but never soggy for young plants. Don't get the leaves wet when watering, might cause mildew.
  • Temperature: 15-21C is the best, but can resist cold quite well even can stand some frost.
  • Moderate humidity. Enough air flow to prevent fungal growth
  • Fertilize only lightly, too much can cause weak flavor. Maybe just once in spring/growing season?
  • Fertilize: all purpose 20-20-20 every 4-6 weeks during growing season. Don't feed in winter unless warm climate.
  • 14 Mar: pinched