Peperomia Green Bean
Succulent native to South American rainforests. Also called happy bean, or pincushion peperomia.
Since January 2022
- Jan 2022: Purchased young from Home Depot I think around/after 13 Jan for Harry's pot. Chosen because it resembles Harry's hair.
- 19 Feb: Looking healthy and larger than when purchased. Unfortunately, I didn't take any photo of it until yesterday (group shot) and today (solo).
- 25 Mar: Forgot to water thoroughly in preparation of 10 days holiday.
- 3 Apr: Back from holiday, looking okay
- 18 May: Looking good and growing
- Water: Wilting when underwatered, rotting when overwatered. Water every 7-10 days, but this depend on the humidity. Water the potting mix thoroughly, drain well. Make sure soil is dry before the next watering.
- Fertilizer: In summer, feed every third watering with balanced liquid plant food. In other season, feed
Sun: Like bright filtered light. Can survive in low light but with delayed growth. Avoid direct sunlight.
- Temperature: Like 18-24°C. Don't let the temperature to fall under 10°C.
- Humidity: Like normal humidity. In winter when air is dryer, mist the plant or group it with other plants.
- Pruning
- Clean and prun back in shape when it gets scraggly.
- Cleaning: use damp towel, take it to shower, allow water to run over the plant, or take it out in the rain.
- Pruning: when it gets too bushy, prune using clean and sharp scissors. Pruned pieces can be used for propagation.
- Soil: Well-drain soil with moderate water retention capacity. Best in potting mix with 50:50 peat moss and perlite. Cover with worm compost soil.