25 Mar: Watered thoroughly in preparation of 10 days holiday.
3 Apr: Back from holiday, not visible yet.
5 Apr: 1 emerge! 3 cm high. Warm day, temperature above 10 °C. Put outside during warm hours. Will put back inside in the evening.
7 Apr: leave opens.
6 May: Only 1 forming leaves. Other at most just a short stem. Dug up and roots are washed from possible fungus gnats larvae investation. Only 6 kept.
6 May: Container rearranged. Peony put on the center, 6 of the lily of the valley left are in the left and right at the middle, geranium seedlings (about5 cm tall)are planted in both front and back rows.
Fertilizer: Not needed unless soil is poor.
Water: like moist but not soggy soil. If too dry, growth and flowering might be lacking.