English Ivy
English ivy or just "ivy". Climbing and trailing vines native to Europe. Leaves are poisonous if eaten and can cause skin irritation.
Purchased December 2021
- 21 Dec 2021: Purchased.
- 18 Feb: Long tips pinched.
- 22 Feb: Lots of light green buds along the stems that the tips were pinched.
- 11 Mar: Because of other pot needs, ivy's pot is switched with polka-dot plant.
- 25 Mar: Watered thoroughly in preparation of 10 days holiday.
- 3 Apr: Back from holiday, looks good.
- Bright indirect light.
- Always check before watering. It prefers slioghtly dry.
- Fertilize once a month in spring, summer, and fall. Nitrogen-rich fertliizer. Don't fertilize in the winter, it's ivy's dormant period.