Green Speckles


Baby cucumbers - 15 Jun
Cucumber 2 - 15 Jun
Cucumber 1 - 15 Jun
Flowering - 7 Jun
Sowing - 2 Jun
Veg box
21 May
Veg box
Veg box - 21 May
Cherry Tomato
20 Apr
Veg box
Veg box - 17 May
Flowering - 17 May
Flowering - 17 May
Planting - 9 Apr
9 Apr
6 Apr
Back from holiday - 3 Apr
Sow - 18 Mar
Harrison writing label - 18 Mar
Preparing soil - 18 Mar 2022

Planted March 2022

From seeds.

Journal 2022
  • March
    • 18: Harrison's plant. Planted from seeds (McKenzie) by Harrison.
    • 25: Watered thoroughly in preparation of 10 days holiday.
  • April
    • 3: Back from holiday, seedlings look like they were plumpy but now sad. Hopefully it will survive.
    • 6: Still look limpy but 1 seedlings. wondering what's wrong. Today transferred into 5 larger jiffy pot (the round one). Might need to replant.
    • 9: Purchase same seeds and plant in 4 jiffy pots. Just in case the first batch fail.
    • Mid Apr: Seedlings from the second batch grow well. 2 plants from the first batch survive. Plant them together in 1 long white planter.
  • May
    • 6: Transferred to large red pot. Combination of 3: Trailing cherry tomatoes on the front, mid size cucumber in the mean, bean poles at the back.
    • 17: Re. Spider mites. Washed leaves of suspected invested plants. Basil, kemangi, mini rose, bunnytails, pole beans, cucumber, tomatoes, and pumpkin. Removed a lot of yellowing leaves. Cilantro thrown away since it's just more practical to restart.
    • 31: Thin to 5 or 6 plants. Haven't grown much since spidermites treatment and pruning.
  • June
    • 1: Plant 5 jiffies, 2 each.
    • 5: Batch 1 flowering
    • 7: Batch 2 emerging
    • 14: Batch 2 are growing well, 7 healthy seedlings in 5 pots. 5cm height, cotyledons are 5cm long, true leaves start to appear too. Today they were transferred to the veg container. Unhealthy mature ones from previous batches are left into 2 plants. I think they are the original one from the kids planting.
  • Water: ample. consistent and ample moisture, but not wet. Dip finger until second knucle. if dry, definitely need water. water until goes through the bottom.
  • Fertilizer: heavy feeder. All purpose slow release when planting, feed biweekly during growing season.