Carrot: Kaleidoscope Blend
5 bright colours: atomic red, bambino, cosmic purple, lunar white, solar yellow.
Planted March then April 2022
Burpee seeds
Journal 2022
- March
- 18: Olivia's plant. Planted from seeds (McKenzie) by Olivia.
- 25: Watered thoroughly in preparation of 10 days holiday.
- April
- 3: Back from holiday, seedlings are about 2 cm and dried to death. Watered anyway.
- 5: no change, let go and replaced by another batch. 12 round jiffy pots.
- 7: discarded because the whole tray starts to get moldy.
- 7: sow in 6 large round jiffy pot.
- 21: A week ago, discarded due to mold issue. Re-sow directly to the 30cm round red planter. They start emerging yesterday.
- May
- 15: Sow. McKenzie seeds. 5 small jiffies with starting mix.
- 21: Seedlings emerges
- June
- Early: too hard with seedlings. Seedlings removed.
- 23: Thin and redistributed. Maybe largerly too disturbed. Hopefully survive.
- Water: lightly moist not wet soil. At least an inch every week. Water when top 1 inch soil is dry. Root drought can stress carrot.
- Consider mulching
- Thin to 1.5 (small carrot) to 3 inches (big carrot) apart when seedlings are 2-3 inches tall.Just snip off at the soil surface. Pulling can damage neighbouring carrots. For small carrot: 1.5 cm.
- Fertilizer: every 3-4 weeks veg fertilizer. Avoid high N.
- Hill if necessary