Pole Bean
Harry's original magic bean was from Kindergarten class 2021 with Mrs. Vaughan. It was planted winter/spring 2021 and grown tall all summer 2021. There were a lot of pods with beans inside, 6 were reserved for planting 2022. Here they are.
- 17 Mar 2022: 6 beans put in water overnight
- 18 Mar 2022: planted
- 22 Mar: Emerge
- 25 Mar: Watered thoroughly in preparation of 10 days holiday.
- 3 Apr: Back from holiday, only 1 (at Harry's) looked healthy and large. Leaves are forming well in this one. 1 at Livvy's pot, the stem even have fold mark. Not sure can revive that. Well watered and ll stem helped with staking.
- 5 Apr: 4 out of 6 looks not bad. At Harry's, 2 big and 1 small none looked shriveled. At Livvy's, the 2 big are still shriveled, but the 1 small one looked okay.
- 7 Apr: Livvy's large 2 look healing. Leaves are happy. Harry's small one doesn't look good though, leaves shriveled. Overall, 5/6 is good.
- 6 May: Transferred to large red pot. Combination of 3: Trailing cherry tomatoes on the front, mid size cucumber in the mean, bean poles at the back.
- 17 May: Re. Spider mites. Washed leaves of suspected invested plants. Basil, kemangi, mini rose, bunnytails, pole beans, cucumber, tomatoes, and pumpkin. Removed a lot of yellowing leaves. Cilantro thrown away since it's just more practical to restart.
- Water: Needs plenty pf water especially in container. Definitely when top 2-3 inches dry.
- Fertilizing: Normally low to none fertilizer other when planting, but in container it's recommended to feed once a month with diluted liquid veg fertilizer.