Fast growing but short lived herbs. 2 months before it flowers. After flowers, herb taste not good anymore. This "santo" variety is a slow bolting one that's grown to enjoy the leaves as long as it can before it bolts. Ready to harvest from 3-4 weeks after planting. Pinching off regularly can prolong the life.
18 Dec 2021 - 3 Mar 2022
- 18 December 2021: Planted from seeds. West Coast Seeds, Santo Monogerm.
- Was covered with paper towel to reduce risk of fungus gnat investation.
- 25-26 December: sprouted. It's the type that folded half then straightened up, so it feels like growing very fast.
- 27 December: up to 5 cm. The covering is changed into cling wrap dome to allow sunlight.
- 11 Jan: 7 cm tall. Pebbles added to the surface recently.
- 23 Jan: Getting bushier and about 10 cm tall.
- 9 Feb: Bushy and thriving. Maybe 15-20 cm long. Ready to be thinned/harvested a little bit. New location: Living room southeast window to give partial shade.
- 1 Mar: Forgot to water, it's dried out. Scheduled to fertilize too. So water with fertilizer solution, 500 ml. Later on, it perks up but many of the previusly already speckled leaves turning yellow.
- 3 Mar: Sacrificed. Leaves are speckled, partically dried, and extremely heavily invested with spider mites.
Pick young leaves when the plants reaching 15 cm height, about 3-4 weeks after seeding. Don't harvest more than 1/3 of the leaves at a time.
- Prefer cooler weather. 15-21 °C. Will bolt if it gets too dry or too hot.
- Full sun to partial shade. 6 hours of direct sunlight, but avoid harsh sunlight for too long. Will cause bolting.
- Moist but not soggy. Will cause bolting.
Do not like high humidity or too much rain.
- Fertilizer is not necessary, but if wanted, once a month. Date: 3 Feb
- Pruning: pretty much by harvesting is enough.