Green Speckles


Dianthus caryophyllus

1 Jul 2021
Dianthus caryophyllus

Commonly known as known as carnation or clove pink, it's probably native to mediterranean and has been cultivated since 2000 years ago. Fragrant pink and with flowers. Bloom season March to June.

Home: Spring to early winter 2021

Purchased 5 as mother's day 2021 present from Ryan. Young plants full of blooms and buds. 4 planted in the balcony's railing containers, 1 in the white round ceramic pot for windowsill (indoor).

  • Outdoor: Through out spring to fall, never stop with the bountiful flowerings
  • Indoor: Bloom gone one by one and budding creation is almost entirely lacking. Doesn't grow in size either.

For cats and dogs: Mild toxic if ingested and can cause mild skin irritation.

  • Soil: excellent drainage sweet (alkaline) soil. If our soil is a bit acidic, add a bit of lime.
  • Light: Best in full sun, fine in partial sun. Too much bright afternoon sun might cause flower color fading though. Morning sun is better.
  • Water: drought tolerant, but need regular water in spring when buds are forming. Extra water in dry summer. Water at the base of plants. Don't over water: leaves will yellow and the flower petals may droop or fall off.
  • Temperature/humidity: Like warm, but will wilt in extreme heat. Like low humidity, but occasionally spray with mist of cold water when it's very hot.
  • Deadhead spent flowers